Romancing the Woods

Garden Tepees and Obelisks

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Outdoor rustic tepee built using bark-on trees and branches at the Easton Children's Museum

Easton Children's Museum Tepee

Outdoor garden tepee in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Tyson Tepee

Tyson Garden Tepee

Rustic tepee custom built using cedar trees and branches empty Rustic tepee with vines custom built using cedar trees and branches

Garden Tepee (Before)


Garden Tepee (After)

Natural wood obelisks built with trees and branches at the Country Living Fair

Country Living Obelisk Entrance

Outdoor rustic garden tepee built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Kend Tepee

Kend Garden Tepee

Outdoor obelisks in the rustic style using logs and branches titled Newtown Obelisk empty Outdoor tepee in the rustic style using logs and branches titled Newtown Tepee

Newtown Obelisk


Newtown Tepee

Rustic tepees, fencing, and arbor custom built using cedar trees and branches displayed at Silo Ridge Country Club

Silo Ridge Country Club Display

Natural wood tepee built with trees and branches titled the Kend Tepee

Kend Garden Tepee 2016

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding pricing or the acquisition of our products,
please contact Rob at

   Over the years, we have been commissioned to construct numerous distinctive creations in the rustic style. Rustic garden tepees and obelisks are among our most favored designs. These structures are meticulously crafted using locally sourced eastern red cedar trees and branches sourced from the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountain Regions of New York State. Our tepees and obelisks are customizable to accommodate any desired size.
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