Romancing the Woods

2018 Blog and Photo Updates

2025 - 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
December 1, 2018
Material Gathering and Winter Prep
Material Gathering and Winter Prep
Material Gathering and Winter Prep
Material Gathering and Winter Prep
Material Gathering and Winter Prep
    Towards the end of every year I like to gather as much material as possible for upcoming projects. Once the snow starts to fly it will be a long time before I can get back in the woods.
November 21, 2018
Mountain Laurel Bench & Table Set
Outdoor rustic park bench built using mountain laurel trees and branches titled the Mountain Laurel Bench & Table Set
Outdoor rustic park bench built using mountain laurel trees and branches titled the Mountain Laurel Bench & Table Set
Outdoor rustic park bench built using mountain laurel trees and branches titled the Mountain Laurel Bench & Table Set
Outdoor rustic park bench built using mountain laurel trees and branches titled the Mountain Laurel Bench & Table Set
    Here's a 6' 'Benson Bench and Table Set' built using locally harvested mountain laurel with a white oak plank. It's actually more comfortable than it looks.
October 23, 2018
Kirkside Park, Roxbury NY
Rustic bridge railings built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Roxbury Bridge at Kirkside Park
    A new 24' bridge just completed at Kirkside Park in Roxbury NY. White oak deck on steel beams with eastern red cedar railings. One of six bridges we have at the park.
September 2, 2018
Benches of 2018
Outdoor rustic garden bench built using bark-on trees and branches.
Outdoor park bench built in the rustic style using logs and branches.
Exterior twig bench built from cedar logs.
Rustic bench custom built using cedar trees and branches.
Natural wood bench built with trees and branches.
Outdoor rustic garden bench built using bark-on trees and branches.
Outdoor park bench built in the rustic style using logs and branches.
    These are just a few examples of the benches built in 2018. Visit our bench page to see more examples.
July 2, 2018
Wildwood Pergola, Fort Montgomery NY
Rustic natural pergola made from bark-on cedar logs, twigs, and branches titled the Wildwood Pergola
Natural wood rustic pergola built with trees and branches titled the Wildwood Pergola
Branchwork rustic pergola constructed using natural materials titled the Wildwood Pergola
    A rustic pergola built for a client in Fort Montgomery NY. The eastern red cedar looks stunning combined with the stone house.
June 22, 2018
Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Rustic railings built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Railings built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Rustic railings custom built using cedar trees and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Natural wood railings built with trees and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Rustic railings built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Railings built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Rustic railings custom built using cedar trees and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
Natural wood railings built with trees and branches titled the Porch Railings at Hullets Landing
    New railings built entirely on site by one guy with one truck load of materials in 15 hours. A lot of preparation made for a very smooth installation.
May 30, 2018
Mayhew Shelter
Outdoor sitting shelter built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Mayhew Shelter
Outdoor rustic sitting shelter built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Mayhew Shelter
Rustic sitting shelter custom built using cedar trees and branches titled the Mayhew Shelter
Natural wood covered bench built with trees and branches titled the Mayhew Shelter
    This is our recently completed Mayhew Shelter, measuring a little over 8' wide x 5.5' deep. Built entirely using bark-on eastern red cedar trees and branches. Built at our shop, dismantled, and carried a very long distance to it's final home at the back of a property in Westchester County NY.
May 16, 2018
Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic garden pavilion built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic gazebo built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic garden pavilion built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic gazebo built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic garden pavilion built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic gazebo built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic garden pavilion built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic gazebo built in the rustic style using logs and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
Rustic garden pavilion built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Fishers Island Gazebo
    The Fishers Island Gazebo installation was a success. We packed this 11' diameter gazebo fully disassembled in a small box truck, boarded a ferry in New London CT, and had it fully assembled in about 6 hours.
March 14, 2018
Highlights of 2017
Outdoor rustic two story gazebo tower built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Taunton Hill Tree Tower
Outdoor rustic two story gazebo tower built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Taunton Hill Tree Tower
Outdoor rustic bench swing built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Bethany Bench Swing
Natural wood railings built with trees and branches titled the Burroughs Deck Railings
Natural wood bridge built with trees and branches titled the Milltown Bridge's
Rustic bridge built using bark-on trees and branches titled the Storm's Crossing
    The above images highlight only a few of the projects that we completed in 2017. Visit our 2017 Blog and Photo Updates page to see more, and be sure to keep checking back in with us to keep up to date with all the new and exciting projects we have lined up for 2018.
visit our other blog pages to see more...
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    This webpage serves as a platform to present the annual culmination of the creative endeavors of Rob Davis and Romancing the Woods. To remain abreast of the shop's activities, kindly follow Romancing the Woods on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. For further details regarding the acquisition of a Romancing the Woods structure, kindly refer to the contact page. Rob Davis and Romancing the Woods have dedicated over two and a half decades to crafting exceptional furniture and structures.
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